Day 2 : DevOps ❤️


Architecture of Linux - javatpoint

The above diagram shows the Linux architecture, let me explain u in the easiest way possible, let's say u install an application that's where the application layer comes then we write some commands to access it which can be Command Prompt(cmd) that command goes to Kernel as shell can't talk directly with hardware that's where the role of kernel takes place, and it talks to hardware, that's how the communication takes place.

Basics Of Linux

  1. Check your present working directory

    Present Working Directory

  2. List all the files or directories including hidden files.

     ls -l --> list the files and directories in long list format with extra information
     ls -a --> list all including hidden files and directory
     ls *.sh --> list all the files having .sh extension.
     ls -i  --> list the files and directories with index numbers inodes
     ls -d */ --> list only directories.(we can also specify a pattern)
  3. Directory Commands

     pwd --> print work directory. Gives the present working directory.
     cd path_to_directory --> change directory to the provided path
     cd ~  or just cd  --> change directory to the home directory
     cd - --> Go to the last working directory.
     cd .. --> change directory to one step back.
     cd ../.. --> Change directory to 2 levels back.
     mkdir  directoryName --> to make a directory in a specific location

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